
Miss Sweety Bakery

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我們曾為多間商業機構及學校舉辦烘焙活動,包括(香港賽馬會、AIA友邦保險、東華三院、永安百貨、YMCA、聖公會、香港青少年服務處、基督復臨、李錦記、傷健協會、MVA Hong Kong Limited、Omicron Electronics Asia Limited、214Dating、FinWise Friendsurance Co Ltd、馬鞍山崇真中學等等)。

Miss Sweety Bakery has collaborated with a number of businesses and schools to organise baking events, extending from Hong Kong Jockey Club, AIA , Donghua Three Houses, Wing An Department Store, MVA Hong Kong Limited, Omicron Electronics Asia Limited, 214Dating, FinAnshan Friends Courance Ltd, to organisations like YMCA, Anglican Church, Hong Kong Youth Service, Adventist, Li Jinji, Injury Society, and Ma Anshan Chongzhen Middle School.

Contact Information

22C, The Globe, Wing Hong St, Cheung Sha Wan
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